Cell Invaders
Museum of Discovery, University of South Australia
The objective of this project, was to teach children and young adults about the advances in T-Cell cancer therapy. To achieve this, Arterial developed their skill-set to include animation, 3D motion graphics and programming. The application of such skills were used in wall projections to create fully immersive experiences. They were also used in interactive games and floor projections.
The overall experience of the visitor is that they have entered into the blood flow of a vein. Sculptural elements are suspended from the ceiling and gently pulse with light and movement. There are projected disks around the space holding animated T-Cells doing their job of destroying cancer cells in sequence.
An interactive floor game was developed where participants become the T-CELL and their job is to attack cancer cells and eventually destroy them. The floor projections are programmed to react to the physical presence of a visitor. There is a physical sculpture at the far end of the room that represents a tumour, with a projected video inside of interviews with leading researchers talking about the science and about their own journey into discovering a potential treatment to manage cancer.

Photography: Sia Duff